Entire Cast Mandatory Dress Rehearsal at JPDC
12:00-2:30pm Ballet Academy ONLY
2:30-5:00pm ALL Educational Ballet Classes & Ballet Academy Dancers
They need to wear a nude leotard, pink tights, ballet shoes, and their hair in a low bun. Ms. Chara will provide their costumes.​
4:45pm: Dancer Check in (Dancers need to arrive dressed in their pink tights, level color ballet leotard, hair in a low bun and makeup done and ready to go - one parent ONLY is allowed in to check in the dancer).
5:00-6:00pm Closed Rehearsal on stage
6:00pm: Doors open to the auditorium for seating.
6:30pm: Cajun Nutcracker Ballet
Attire for Cajun Nutcracker performance:
Costumes are provided, please have your dancer wear the following:
Female Dancers:
Pink-footed ballet tights
Nude leotard (in order to change costumes)
Pink ballet shoes
Hair in a low ballet bun
Makeup - a little blush, red lipstick, and mascara
Male Dancers:
Black shirt
Black male tights (NOT Sheer tights)
Dance belt
Black ballet shoes
Arrival/Check In Process
Dancers will need to arrive at 4:45pm for check-in. Only one parent will be allowed in the building to get them checked in. Dancers will go back to their dressing rooms to prepare for the show, the parent will be able to go get in line for seating that opens at 6:00pm. The auditorium will be open seating. Show will be begin promptly at 6:30pm