(Above) Attire for Stars Combo, Mini Combo and Pre-Ballet. Not shown is the patterned scarf that correlates to the class they are in.
Stars/Mini Combo:
Black plain leotard (NO logos, bling, or skirts. Just plain leotards please, any length of the sleeve is acceptable)
Pink tights
Black tap shoes
Red sequin belt (purchase online through Studio Director account, you will use a safety pin to secure the ends together)
Hair is half up, half down, and tied with a 1-inch red ribbon (Provided on your own).
Pattern scarf that is provided by the studio
Black plain leotard (NO logos, bling, or skirts. Just plain leotards please, any length of the sleeve is acceptable)
Pink tights
Pink ballet slippers
Red sequin belt (purchase online through Studio Director account, you will use a safety pin to secure the ends together)
Hair is half up, half down, and tied with a 1-inch red ribbon (Provided on your own).
Pattern scarf that is provided by the studio
(Above) Attire for Stars Hip Hop, Mini Hip Hop.
Stars and Mini Hip Hip Hop
All black - top and pants (NO logos, bling, just plain black)
Own tennis shoes
Red sequin belt (purchase online through Studio Director account, you will use a safety pin to secure the ends together)
Hair is half up, half down, and tied with a 1-inch red ribbon (Provided on your own).
Pattern scarf that is provided by the studio
Level I-V Hip Hop class:
All black - top and pants (NO logos, bling, just plain black)
Own tennis shoes
Red sequin belt (purchase online through Studio Director account, you will use a safety pin to secure the ends together)
Hair is half up, half down, and tied with a 1-inch red ribbon (Provided on your own).
Levels I-V
Black leotard/top
Black jazz pants/black leggings
For only tap numbers: black socks or black tights
Red sequin belt (purchase online through Studio Director account, you will use a safety pin to secure the ends together)
Hair is half up, half down, and tied with a 1-inch red ribbon (Provided on your own).
Scroll down for full Cajun Nutcracker Attire
Hair (All Females) – Wear your hair half up/half down for Winter Wonderland with a red 1” ribbon tied in a bow.
Makeup - A little blush, red lipstick, and mascara are optional

Tickets – will be on sale through the Studio Director or in the studio office. Tickets and belts will be available in the lobby. Please email or call with any questions about tickets. Ticket sales will CLOSE Thursday, December 13th. Tickets and belts will be available for purchase starting November 25th.
Online Ticket Feature:
We are very excited that you can purchase your tickets online through your studio account! All ticket sales are final - there are NO refunds. Tickets will be available to purchase the day of the show at an increased price - be sure to purchase before the deadline of Thursday, December 13th.
Link to Studio Director: HERE
Easy As One-Two-Three:
Sign in to your account, click the three lines in the top left-hand corner, and then on the far right column click “Buy From Inventory”.
You can select tickets for the Winter Wonderland show, Cajun Nutcracker show or a combo ticket which is both Winter Wonderland AND Cajun Nutcracker. Sequin Belts will also be on sale online.
They will be charged to the credit card on your account at the time of your purchase.
All you have to do is stop by the lobby during office hours (Mon-Thurs from 4:00-7:00 pm and Saturday from 9:00-11:00am) to pick up your tickets and/or sequin belt!
Tickets will be available for purchase online until Thursday, December 13th. Any tickets purchased after this time will need to be purchased on the day of the event - the price is higher for tickets purchased at the door so be sure to purchase tickets before the deadline!
Let’s make some awesome memories and give back to our community by supporting Operation Breakthrough!
We are having a Toy & Coat Drive to benefit Operation Breakthrough! Please bring an unwrapped toy to donate to Operation Breakthrough! We will have an area set up in the Studio Lobby for you to drop-off. They are in need, more than ever, of toys from infant through teens! This is something we are so proud to be a part of and to make a difference. Toy drop-off is available during our office hours (Mon-Thurs from 3:30-7:00 pm and Saturday from 9:00-11:00 am). Toys will also be accepted the day of the performance at Shawnee Mission West.
Arrival/Check In Process
On Tuesday December 17th - please have the designated scarf and sequin belt on your Dancer when you check them in with us in the Cafeteria at Shawnee Mission West High School at 6:00pm. Only one parent will be allowed in the building to get them checked in. The parent will be able to go sit down when doors open to the auditorium at 6:00pm. The auditorium will be open seating.
The scarves are a way of us identifying which class/group that they are performing with that day. If your Dancer is in more than one class then you will be receiving a different color scarf for each class.
*Please be sure to turn in all scarves with our volunteers in the Cafeteria at the end of our Winter Wonderland. That way we can use them again next year.
*If your dancer is in multiple routines, they need to be wearing the scarf for their first routine. Once the first routine is over, one parent will be responsible for coming back to the cafeteria to change your dancer's scarf to the second routine as well as changing shoes. If your dancer is in a combo and hip hop class, we recommend bringing leggings to pull over the tights so they are in all black for hip hop. JPDC Staff will be working the show and will not be changing scarves or shoes.
Level I-VII:
Dancers will need to arrive at 6:00pm for check in. Only one parent will be allowed in the building to get them checked in. Dancers will go back to their dressing rooms to prepare for the show, the parent will be able to go sit down when doors open to the auditorium at 6:00pm. The auditorium will be open seating.
Cajun Nutcracker Information
Entire Cast Mandatory Dress Rehearsal at JPDC (Ballet Levels I-V)
12:00-2:30pm Ballet Academy ONLY
2:30-5:00pm ALL Educational Ballet Classes (Ballet Levels I-V) & Ballet Academy Dancers
They need to wear a nude leotard, pink tights, ballet shoes, and their hair in a low bun. Ms. Chara will provide their costumes.
4:45pm Dancer Check in (Dancers need to arrive fully dressed and ready to go - one parent ONLY is allowed in to check in the dancer).
5:00-6:00pm: Rehearsal *This is a staging rehearsal, they should arrive in their ballet level color leotard and pink tights with their low bun done.
6:00pm: Doors open to the auditorium for seating.
6:30pm: The Cajun Nutcracker Ballet Performance
Costumes are provided, please have your dancer wear the following:
Female Dancers:
Pink-footed ballet tights
Nude leotard (in order to change costumes)
Pink ballet shoes
Hair in a low ballet bun
Makeup - a little blush, red lipstick, and mascara
Male Dancers:
Black shirt
Black male tights (NOT Sheer tights)
Dance belt
Black ballet shoes​